Hot Wax
Lycon wax is the world leader in waxing technologies removing hairs as short as 1mm. Lycon waxes are a low temperature with a pliable formula which shrink wrap around the hair, resulting in a painless wax for most clients. All Lycon waxes are of the same base formula with the addition of aromatherapy ingredients and extracts- perfect for those imtimate waxes. Our favorites being, Lycoflex Vanilla and Rosette Pastel Hot Waxes. *Please note: All intimate waxing is carried out using Lycon Hot Waxes as we are a firm believer that once you’ve tried it, you’ll never want a strip bikini wax again!
Strip Wax
Tea Tree Wax is used for those larger areas of waxing (legs, arms, back etc) An excellent wax for removing unwanted hairs from all areas of the body with natural antiseptic Tea Tree. Excellent for clients with sensitive skins too!